Sale Advice
10 Tips To Ready Your Property For Sale
1. Emotionally Detach Yourself
Selling your home can be a stressful time and it can be difficult to make decisions on behalf of a potential buyer rather than for yourself. Once you decide to sell you need to work on detaching yourself from your home and emotionally moving out. Taking a step back will allow you to subjectively view your property and make decisions that will best serve you in the long run.
There's a great article written by Imogen Brown that gives more information on this topic! Check it out at:
2. Brush up on Your List Writing Skills
Inspect your home with prospective buyers in mind - What might they notice about your property? What would put them off purchasing? What little jobs have you started but not finished? Once you've completed your list it is crucial that you go through and prioritise what is most important. Start working on what is most important FIRST! Too often vendor's invest time in a low priority task, and end up running out of time to complete the jobs that are key.
Here's a start:
Inspect walls and floors for cracks and water damage.
Check for plumbing leaks.
Check for signs of rodents/insects.
Check all lights work.
Inspect pendant/shades - Do they need replacing?
Inspect curtains - Do they need replacing?
3. Detailed Clean
A thorough clean of your property is probably going to be number 1 on the list you've just drawn up! It is essential to make sure your property is thoroughly cleaned for your campaign as this can make a huge impact on potential buyers.
Make sure not to forget the following:
Wash all windows (inside and out).
Remove cobwebs from cornices and window frames.
Launder curtains (if not replacing).
Thoroughly clean appliances.
Thoroughly clean grout.
Look up! Make sure to dust things above eye level (pendant light shades, window sills etc).
Over time we accumulate a huge amount of STUFF! Whilst our miscellaneous knick-knacks are special to us, it's important to keep your potential buyers in mind and display your belongings accordingly. Ideally you want to create the look of the lifestyle that your buyers will be aspiring to – both in the photography and during inspections. This is more likely to be the style of a display home rather than that of a well loved home.
One great trick is to take a photo of each room in your house. Once you're out of the area look at the photos - Does it look too cluttered? Messy perhaps? Photo's can help to identify problem areas that we don't see as easily when we're taking in the room as a whole.
Start with the following:
Remove any broken or heavily worn furniture or decorative pieces.
Remove clutter and decorative items that have been placed above eye-level. (ie. on top of the fridge, above window panes, kitchen cupboards etc.
Remove magnets and photo's from the fridge.
Clear away documents around computers.
Get rid of products you don't use (or that are out of date) in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry - Be brutal!
Remove and store family photos and trinkets.
Remove and store quirky decorative items.
5. Get Rid of Odours
If you have pets living on site it's a wise decision to ring in a favour and see if they can board with family or friends for the duration of the campaign. Make sure to remove all pet related belongings. Rather than attempting to mask odours with air fresheners, it's best to work to solve the problem of the odour - ie. thoroughly clean the house, steam clean carpets, identify mould or water damage.
Avoid using incense or strong smelling diffusers/candles - not all potential buyers will appreciate the scent. Remember that readying your property for sale is all about allowing your potential buyers to envisage themselves in the property.
A fresh natural scent like of a bunch of freshly cut flowers or a bowl of apples is perfect!
6. Fresh Lick of Paint
Painting is a fantastic way to freshen up any property!
A fresh lick of paint will make your property seem fresh, clean and bright! Painting can also help to modernise and distract from imperfections on the walls or ceilings. When choosing a paint colour choose something neutral - Remember many buyers want to see a blank canvas where they can inject their own personality! Go for White or off-white and steer clear of feature walls.
7. Clean or Replace Flooring
Carpets need to be shampooed and treated for stains. Tile and hardwood floors should be thoroughly vacuumed and mopped until they shine. Flooring that is damaged or particularly worn or stained should be removed and replaced. Hardwood floors that are scratched or dull should be refinished.
8. Invest in new Fixtures & Hardware
Fixtures and hardware in your property should be cohesive and flow throughout. Light fixtures and shades, taps, shower heads, bathroom mirrors and sheer curtains can be replaced economically. If you find that you have different light fittings or shades in every room, for example, it might be worth replacing them with something inexpensive and neutral that will be consistent throughout.
9. Make an Entrance
We all know that first impressions last! When potential buyers come to inspect your property the very first thing they set eyes upon is your front door. Make sure it sets the right impression by ensuring it's cobweb free, freshly painted (if possible) and the front yard is neat and clean! It's worth purchasing a plant or two for the front entry if you have the space.
10. Invest in a Property Stylist & Furniture Hire
Investing in a property stylist is certainly worth considering. Property stylists are able to view your property objectively and present the spaces in a way that you may never have imagined. A stylist may suggest adding or removing a few items from your property, or even suggest you remove and store your existing furniture, so that they can start from scratch and create a cohesive package.
What's the difference between an interior decorator and a property stylist? An interior decorator styles a home to appeal to your personal tastes. A property stylist takes the opposite approach; they aim to present your home as a blank canvas so that buyers can easily envisage themselves in the space.
Property stylists make sure that every detail is shown to its full advantage, specifically using and positioning furniture, art and cushions, making use of colour and ensuring everything is beautifully lit.
In a well-styled property, the functionality of each room is obvious. In very small or large spaces, stylists can creatively demonstrate how furniture can be positioned to make the most of the area. In strange nooks that buyers might consider odd or unusable, clever styling can display the functionality. Alternatively, unattractive areas can be strategically masked.
Property styling can assist your campaign from photography to inspections - Enhancing the aesthetic appeal and helping to achieve the highest possible price tag for your property.
Written by Jessica Larkin of Selective Interiors